Job Interview Questions You Must be Prepared to Answer

Ok, you get the call. You have an interview tomorrow. Now it's time to brush up on those job interview questions you know are going to be tossed your way.
Have no fear. You have time to practice your answers (not memorize them) and make a great impression on the interviewer. What kind of questions can you expect? Well, that will differ from job to job, but below are some general questions that seem to get asked in most interviews.
The more prepared you are, the better you will do.

Before digging into the actual questions, there are a few things you need to know about hiring managers. They honestly aren't looking to trip you up - at least most of them aren't. They are focused on your answers and what you reveal about your talents/abilities, your work ethic, your personality and your past work experience. What you share and how you share it makes all the difference between you getting a job offer or it going to someone else.

You'll see that all through this site, I mention doing company research. Some of the answers you offer during the job interview will be based on the information you are able to dig up about the company, it's products and where it might be headed in the future.Be sure to prepare your questions in advance. Knowing the following things will allow you to present those strengths and abilities that the employer wants."

As you look at the questions below, think about how you can relate your talents/abilities and experience to the questions asked. Your work ethic and personality will come through with the answers you provide no matter which questions you are asked.

So, here are some job interview questions:

  •         Why do you want to work for us?
  •         In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable?
  •         Do you have plans for continued education?
  •         Are you a good communicator?
  •         What's one of the hardest decisions you've ever had to make?
  •         How many hours per week do you expect to work?
  •         What interests you about our products/services?
  •         What can you do for us that someone else can't?
  •         What do you look for in a job?
  •         Do you prefer to work alone or as a part of a team?
  •         Can you give me an example of when you went the extra mile at work?
  •         What did you like about your last job?
  •         What didn't you like about your last job?
  •         Share a time when you had to solve a difficult problem on the job.
  •         Are you willing to travel?
  •         Are you willing to relocate?
  •         What do you do when people disagree with your ideas?
  •         Name one of your greatest strengths.
  •         Name one of your greatest weaknesses.
  •         What two or three things are most important to you in your job?
  •         Are you seeking employment in a company of a certain size? Why?
  •         What are your expectations regarding promotions and salary increases?
  •         What kind of decisions are most difficult for you to make?
  •         What motivates you?
  •         What do you like to do in your spare time?
  •         What are your career goals?
  •         Why do you want to leave your current job?
  •         Did you like your previous supervisor?
  •         How do you handle stressful situations?
  •         Why should I hire you?

When you are able to address each question in a positive way without getting flustered, you'll be ready for all of the possible job interview questions any hiring manager can throw at you. This, of course, should be a clue that you'll never be entirely prepared. You can practice and rehearse, but you'll always be a bit nervous.
Don't worry. It's normal to be nervous. The more you practice these job interview questions, the better you'll be at handling them. I would suggest you start practicing BEFORE you get the call for an interview. Then, you'll be that much farther ahead when you do get the phone call.

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