6-mistakes-to-avoid-while-attending an Interview

You have worked on your CV, got through the technical assessment stage, and now it is time for the personal interview. All your hard work can come undone with the wrong move in an interview. An interview is the most important stage for getting that coveted job. That’s why, you need to make sure that every foot that you put forward is the right one.
Here are 6 mistakes that you should avoid while attending an interview if you want to hear back from the recruiter:   

Being the first to bring up money matters

Candidates who bring up salary issues during an interview are often not respected by recruiters. When you bring up money matters during an interview, you are showing yourself as disloyal to your job. You come across as somebody who is interested in the moolah and not the actual job profile. Bringing up money matters before the recruiter does also puts you on a backfoot when it comes to salary negotiations.

Chewing gum, or worse, smoking right before the interview

Recruiters look for your overall personality to gauge whether you are fit for the job. You need to take care of etiquettes while attending an interview, and etiquettes are not limited to wishing someone or wearing the right clothes. Chewing gum while speaking is considered disrespectful in most cultures. And you do not want your breath to smell of smoke right before you are attending an interview. Often, these aspects are overlooked by candidates, which lead to their downfall.
Rambling about yourself and your achievements

This is by far the most common mistake committed by candidates attending a job interview. Most candidates go on and on about their strengths, weaknesses, hobbies, what they have done in their previous job etc. No recruiter is interested in your ramblings. Employers are always looking for to the point, crisp answers. When you start rambling, you lose the interviewer and hence, the job.
Not focusing on body language

Your gestures speak more than your words. An interviewer can tell more about you from your body language than from what you are speaking. Of course, your body language can be manipulated with enough practice. Even though you may nervous and fidgety, your body language must not convey that. While speaking to the interviewer, you must maintain eye contact; you should sit with your palms open and your legs placed firmly on the ground. There should be no crossing of legs or arms during the interview. These are just some tips for the right body language during an interview.
Not asking good questions

Employers are always looking for enthusiastic and intelligent candidates. Thus, they expect you to ask good questions relevant to the job profile at the end of the interview. Before the interview, make sure you prepare a set of questions about the company and the job profile. It always has a good impression on the employer. 
Being late

You just cannot find an excuse for being late during an interview. It is unprofessional and you are immediately in the bad books of the interviewer. 

Best Of Luck !!!!

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